I think when I added the half cup of milk, my dough was quite wet so I have to add more flour during the kneading of the dough. I used part bread flour and part wheat flour. Cannot really taste the mashed pumpkin in the bread but I love the colour though. Very nice yellow colour.
See I managed to get all these from one recipe.
The bread is really soft. But then it should be soft since it is freshly baked. I have to keep until tomorrow to see if it is still so soft the next day.
Sandwich Bread
1 cup mashed/puree cooked pumpkin/sweet potatoes/squash/zuchini
1 egg
2 tbsp sugar
1 1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp milk powder
3 cups bread flour(you can replace a cup with whole wheat flour)
1 1/4 tsp instant yeast
1/2 - 1 cup of milk(depending on how wet the vegetable is)
Method (using bread machine):
Put the ingredients according to the order as typed above in the bread-machine bowl.
Start the bread-machine using the dough function.
Add water enough to make dough into a ball.
When dough has finished cycle, remove and punch down.
Grease bread-pan and scale dough - 1 lb 4 ozs dough for 8 inch x 4inch x 4 inch.(dough should be 1/3 of the bread pan), and fold to fit the bread pan.. Cover with the lid but leave 1/2 inch gap so that you can see that the dough rising.
Let the bread proof and cover with a warm towel. When the dough has reached the top about 1/2 inch away from the lid. Close the lid tightly and turn on the oven 350F. When oven is preheated, put bread to bake for 30 minutes. Remove lid and continue to bake for another 15 - 20 minutes(depending on how brown a crust is desired).
Leave to cool for 10 minutes before removing bread from bread pan.
Cool bread totally before slicing.
My method (using KitchenAid):
1. Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl except for the milk.
2. With a dough hook, knead on low first to incorporate the ingredients. Slowly add in the milk until a dough is formed. You may not need 1/2 cup of milk depending on your mixture. (For me I added half a cup of milk and I find my dough very wet. In between kneading I have been adding extra flour by the tbsp until the dough is no longer wet.)
3. Continue to knead until the dough is elastic and can be stretched. When it passed the stretch test, the dough is ready. Lightly flour your tabletop. Mould dough into a ball and cover it with a glad wrap and let it proof for 1 hour or until double the volume.
4. Punch down the dough and roll dough to fit your baking pan or pullman tin. Leave it to proof and bake as per the instructions above.
Possible to share the recipe, as I am a "bread eater", and pumpkin is one of my favourite.
Nice color pumpkin bread and healthy too!
wah... i love your blog very much.. becoz u always give me surprise...
Thank you friends.
I will post the recipe up tonight if possible.
HiHugbear, Can we use Oganic Flour for the same recipe?
Yes you can use organic flour but the bread may not be as light as when you use bread flour. It may be a bit more heavy.
i love bread..wow, delicious..
I don't have bread machine, can I make this pumpkin buns using kitchen-aid do kneald? By the way, if I use microwave oven to bake bread, buns & cakes is it the same rack because my microwave oven only has one middle rack. My microwave oven is Dimension 4 with convection bake. I tried but my buns top ok but bottom still white.
Are you still using microwave oven for all your bakes? Pls. advise, thanks
At you method (using kithenAid) 3. mould dough into a ball & let it proof for 1 hr, do we need to put some oil into bowl? Thanks
I am also using a microwave cum conventional oven to bake all my cakes/breads/pie/muffins, etc etc. If the top brown too fast, cover it with a foil and continue baking.
I have given instructions on using KitchenAid method in the recipe also.
Hi Hugbear,
Thanks, I read the KitchenAid method in your recipe after I sent you my earlier comment. By the way, we should place the baking tray or cake tin on the rack on the middle or where do you place your baking inside the oven. All your bakes are so beautiful. I still cannot get it right.
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