The Year of the Dragon is here and I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Properous Chinese New Year!
Wishing everyone 年年有余,心想事成,身体健康!
I am a full-time working mum to 2 boys. I really enjoy baking and cooking and it feels so satisfying when my family enjoys my baking and cooking.
What beautiful presentation! Wish you a great year ahead.
LeeLee, wishing you xin nian kuai le, gong xi fa cai and 身体健康. Interesting koi fishes!
Happy New Year LeeLee! Long time no "see"! Beautiful fishes!
This is really neat, I love chinese new year themed desserts, that is how I found out about your site.
I am not sure if this is of interest to you, but there is a school online called pastrytraining.com
It's pretty neat, I was able to replicate some crazy european cakes like a pro.
Do you have tips for how you shaped the fish the way you did? What type of mold did you use and where did you order it from?
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