This is another one of my favourite recipes. I have had this for a long long time. It was only when I joined a mummies forum that I started sharing this recipe online. Many people have tried and most of the time I get good feedback.
For those of you who just love a creamy, soft and yummy mango pudding (just like those served at tim sum restaurant, if not even better), you must give this recipe a go.

100 gm blended mango (puree)
100 gm mango cubes (I normally add more than that)
100 ml whipping cream (I substitute by 30 ml UHT milk, but this is optional)
20 gm gelatine (if you buy the box with 5 individual pkt type, use 2 pkts)
80-100 gm sugar (again I don't like it too sweet so I use 80 gm only)
300 ml water
250 gm of ice-cream (if you can find mango ice-cream the taste is even better but I don't think you can find it easily now so use vanilla flavour)
1. Mix water, sugar and gelatine in pan. Boil over slow fire until sugar and gelatine dissolve.
2. Leave the mixture to cool. When cool, add mango puree, mango cubes, whip cream and ice-cream.
3. Stir mixture until all ice-cream is melted. Pour into small cups and leave in fridge to set.