Sharing with you my method of cooking the porridge.
I use my Tiger Thermal Pot for this porridge.
First cook some rice with lots of water in the inner pot. After rice is cooked, transfer the inner pot to the outer pot and leave it to continue cooking for an hour. After one hour, take pot out and put it on stove but do not turn on fire. Stir the dried up porridge to break up the grains. After giving it a thorough stir, add in more water to the porridge. Turn on medium fire and keep stirring the porridge. Let the porridge boil and put it back to the outer pot. You can leave it there for an hour or lesser. Put it back to the stove and add in your seasoning and your choice of ingredients. As you cook it longer the porridge will become very very smooth. You can just leave the porridge in the outer pot and keep it later for serving or keep the leftover in the pot for eating later.
If you are interested, this is what I have put in for the seasoning and ingredients.
200g minced pork, marinate with 1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, some white pepper.
Seasoning for the porridge:
3 tbsp of Maggi concentrated chicken stock
1 tsp of chicken powder
Add this into the porridge when you are cooking the porridge. If the porridge gets too thick you can add more water to the consistency you like. Add salt to taste if the taste is too bland for you.
Cooking porridge using the rice cooker method:
Cook porridge in rice cooker with more water than you cook rice. After the porridge is cooked stir the porridge to break up the grains. Add in more water or stock to the porridge. Press down the cook button on the rice cooker to let it cook further. Again after a while, check on the porridge. Add more water if need to. Continue to stir until porridge is really smooth. When porridge is smooth, add in seasoning, ingredients into the porridge and press cook again to let it cook. Porridge is ready to be served when the ingredients are all cooked.
Tip for you: Before you added the marinated minced pork into the porridge, scoop two big scoops of hot porridge into the minced meat and stir to break it up. Then add them into the porridge to cook. This is to prevent the minced meat from lumping up inside the porridge when you put them in. Of course you don't have to do this if you are going to roll the minced meat into small balls to be added to the porridge.
Let me know how your porridge turn out if you are trying. You can deepfry some popiah skin and crush it. Add to the porridge just before serving.
This is the first time I visit this blog. I will come back again to view your useful menu and delicious homecooked food.
wow, nice. can you share how you make your porridge. your rice looks very well blended. how do you do that?
Hi Jun, sure I can share with you how I cook the porridge. I will put up a short write up in the blog on this.
thanks :) looking forward 2 read ur post
Hi Hugbear,
Thanks for your tips abt breaking the minced meat. It is really helpful and once again my family love this porridge.
Hi Dolphin, you are most welcome. You can do this type of porridge as a base and add all sorts of ingredients that you fancy. The sky's the limit. Heehee.
Tq for the tip. i always have problem with the minced meat lumping when added into porridge. :)
You are most welcome Mama Mia.
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