The first time when I tried making Madeleines, I didn't have the proper moulds so I used mini tart mould. But this time round I have the Madeleines moulds so it is more authentic.
Madeleine II
160g castor sugar
Zest of 1 lemon
3 eggs
50ml milk
200g cake flour
6g baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
200g unsalted butter, melted
Sift flour and baking powder.
Mix the sugar with lemon zest and set it aside for 1 hour for the smell to be infused into the sugar.
Add the eggs into the sugar mixture and beat until mixture is slightly thick and add in milk and mix well. Add in sifted flour and mix well. Add in melted butter and mix until batter is glossy. Cover with a cling wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Oil the madeleines moulds with butter and lightly flour it. Tap away excess flour from the moulds. Fill the moulds with batter just slightly more than ½ full.
Preheat oven at 190C and bake the madeleines for 15 to 20 minutes or until brown. Unmould and leave on rack to cool. You can sift some icing sugar or snow powder on the madeleines when it has cool down completely.
Hi Lee Lee,
How to coat the baked donuts with nuts, or chocolate rice? What should we brush on the donuts for the docations to stick on? Thank you
Hi Hugbear,
I want to bake 100 pcs of the baked donuts for a function, can I bake the donuts one day then decocrate the next day or must I re-bake the next day?
Thank you.
Yes you can bake first and decorate it the next day. Use some melted chocolate to coat the donuts and then coat it with nuts or other decorations.
Hi Hugbear,
Thanks for your advise. By the way, I just bought a new kitchen-aid. At what speed should we set when creaming butter & sugar? What speed for egg white? There are speed 1 to 10. I'm used to my old cake cake mixer. Thanks
You can set it at 5 or 6 for creaming butter and sugar. For eggwhite, start with 6 then when foamy and after adding sugar, turn it up to 7 or 8 to beat until peak.
Hi Hugbear,
Thanks for advise.
Hi Hugbear,
Thanks, you said set at 5 or 6 for creaming butter & sugar. For butter cake how many minute to cream butter & sugar till light & creamy? Thanks
I don't usually go by timing. I use eye power to estimate if the creaming is enough.
Hi Hugbear, thank u for this lovely recipe. I've just made a batch & it's lovey. =)
Hi where can I get zest of 1 lemon? Can I substitute with other ingredient?
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