First I made a Baked Tapioca Kueh.
Then I did a quick fried rice for my children for lunch.
Followed by a lemon tart. This was the recipe that I had always wanted to try but never really had the chance to. Finally I was able to do it today because I was trying to clear the 3 lemons in the fridge before it turned bad.
The last item I did was the pandan chiffon cake. To clear the remainder of the coconut milk from making the baked tapioca kueh.
Very happy that I managed so many things in just under 4 hours.
Hi Baking Mum
You are incredible!
I really admire your time management.
With Best Wishes.
Hi Baking Mum, Happy New Year...I really salute to you for able to managed your time wisely...:-)
Hi baking Mum,
Wow, you really amazed me! I can't be like u! I'm a snail in kitchen.. hehee!
And your lemon tart looks yummy! Wish I can have a bite! Hurhurhur!
Wow, you are a super woman! Happy New Year 2009!
hi there!
the lemon tart looks great!
wld u be sharing the recipe?
Thanks and happy new yr!
wow! you are wonder woman. you did so many things within 4 hrs. :)
Ooooo....I love tapioca kueh. You are really really really marvellous to achieve 4 things in such a short time.
Thanks everyone, it is actually easy to manage. While one thing is baking in the oven you can prepare the rest and get all the ingredients ready and it sure makes the rest of the work much faster and easier.
Hi Lixin, I will share the lemon tart recipe but will need a few more days to get it up here.
Hi, I was just wondering if you take orders? If you do, I have this friend who is 21 years old this saturday. I'm also wondering how much is the est. cost to make 25 reg cupcakes with MMF deco. Thanks!
You're incredible!!!
I thought the Pandan Chiffon was beautiful! How did you manage to get the top so smooth without any cracks? :)
Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!
Hi Anonoymus, I won't be able to do it this time because my dad is hospitalised and I am totally occupied with this.
Hi Trish, I left it to bake in my microwave cum conventional oven, sitting on the rotating plate in the oven. The rotating movement of the cake ensures an even baking of the whole cake.
oh man.. It's ok then.. Sorry to hear that though. Wish your daddy gets well soon! :D
wow!! you so terror la..I need whole day to accomplish all the stuffs you had done!! like your kuih bingka texture!
You are really efficient ! The lemon tart looks gorgeous, I feel tempted to take a bite !
You inspire me! Your kids are so lucky to have a mom like you!
You definitely deserve an award!
Hip hip hooray!
Sorry to hear that your daddy is sick. Is he ok now? Take care.
hi, can you tell me if the microwave cum convention oven is good for baking cakes? no problem like those of conventional oven where some parts are hotter than others? does cakes turn out dryer e.g. will swissroll crack during the rolling process if using microwave cum convention oven? and do we still follow the recipes temperature or do we have to adjust them e.g. fan forced oven usually is 10 deg cel lower than normal baking mode. sorry that i asked so much because i am having headache with my fan forced only conventional oven and is now thinking of getting a replacement.
Happy New Year 2009! May the year of the Cow brings you more joy, happiness, good health, luck and prosperity!
I am soooo impressed with yr culinary skills. All these pics are make me want to go to Singapore right now. I bet anyone who knows you hv a hard time staying slim!
Wow, fantastic. I think the cooking and baking is ok with me but I hate the washing up
Hi Hug Bear,
I happen to browse thru one of blog links you follow and saw this yummy looking grilled pork ribs.
The blog did not post the receipe but mention that she has follow your receipe.
Do you have the receipe of plum sauce porkribs?
Appreciate if you can send me the receipe at
Thanks alot
Hi nps, which blog did you see the grilled pork ribs?
wow u are really a veteran! i need to spend 3 hrs in the kitchen just for one cake!
well done.
Hi leelee, your chiffon cake looks so nice and perfect from the top. Mine came out cracked, I dunno why..
My baby belling oven seems hotter than the other brands, so i have to adjust the temperature myself. may i know what kind of oven you use?
Thanks very very much for sharing your blog, you are generous and great! each time I don't know what to cook or bake, i visit your blog. I wish I stay beside you.. LOL
Also , you have a buttercake recipe you ve posted sometime ago, do i follow the instructions posted there to mix everything together or must I get it from you thru email?
have a blessed day!
I am using a microwave cum conventional oven. Everyone's oven is unique so you will have to know your own oven, the hot spot, the temp etc. Adjust oven temp accordingly. If you find that your oven is hotter on one side then the other, then you can just rotate the baking pan manually half way during baking.
Anonymous you can follow the buttercake recipe I have posted here.
hi there,
sorry to hear tht ur dad was ill
hope he's better now
Happy CNY!
can share Baked Tapioca Kueh recipe?
look yummy
The baked tapioca kueh recipe is in my blog already.
Your lemon tart looks yummy. Can I have the recipe please? The one and only tart I've tried so far is apple pie. Thanks.
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