I managed to frost one whole cake plus two small cupcakes with the ganache that I did with some balance ganache left.

From trimming of the cake, I have collected a fair bit of chcolate cake. In order not to waste the cake, I did some chocolate fudge balls with the balance ganache and then coated each ball with some chopped toasted almond.
What I did was to crush up the cake into the balance ganache and using a spoon, I mixed them together. Leave the mixture into the fridge to harden a little. In the meantime, I toasted some whole almond at 180C for 10 mins and after cooling them I chopped them up. Take out the cake mixture and roll into small balls and roll them over the chopped almond to coat them well. Place into small paper cups.
Don't they look a bit like Rocher?

Hi Baking Mum,
How come I cannot see the picture anymore?
Hi Hugbear,
I really like your chocolate fudge. Especially the ganache. It's very unique. Did you ever post the recipe before? If not, mind sharing?
N/B - Will make the pumpkin bread this weekend.
hi hugbear!
ur Chocolate Fudge Cake looks yummilicious!!
can share your recipe with us PLEASE~~!!!
You can find the recipe under Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake.
EK, some of the pictures cannot be seen now. Got to wait until 10th of Sept when my bandwidth are set back to normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey baking mum. Is this steam chocolate cake? How d you do the frosting? The frosting look so thick and rich. Can you share the frosting recipe? Pleasee.
Hi Janice,
The ganache recipe is also under the Steamed Moist Chocolate cake recipe. After the ganache is done, leave to cool down then keep it in fridge until it hardens to the constitency you like for spreading onto your cake. If you put it in too long and it is too hard to spread, leave it outside to thaw to a spreadable texture.
Oh i see. Thanks a lot. Can't wait to try. I always fail in my ganache. (:
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