I did some simple crabstick sushi for the boys which I had no chance of taking any picture of them. All in their stomach as soon as it was rolled and cut. I also did some california rolls and fotomaki. In the end, we did not touch it as we were too full from our tempura dinner. Keeping the sushi for lunch tomorrow.

I also tried making some sushi using cucumber to wrap around the rice.

See, the untouched sushi that is going to be hubby and my lunch tomorrow.

I used some prawns fried in batter and did a prawn tempura rice for myself. Spooned some tempura dipping sauce onto the rice before sprinkling some salt and 7-flavour chilli powder onto it.

Hubby's unagi rice.

I find this picture rather funny. My elder boy volunteered to take a picture of the tempura for me while I was busy in the kitchen. Wonder why he wanted to place the two prawns at the two corners. Hmmmmm ...

my oh my! ur dinner looks SOOOOO GOOD! u r making me HUNGRY! eh.. ximi is tempura dipping sauce har? ah leng
Hi Hugbear, your tempura looks nice while mine reali sux. I think something wrong with my batter, my tempura is so oily and tender which it supposed to be crispy!
Hahaha...had to laugh at your son creativity.
Your sushi dinner looks absolutely delicious!
These all look like they are served out of a restaurant! You are amazing!
Wow! Your Japanese meal looked extremely delicious. I took a class a couple of months back to learn to make sushi rolls. Got all the ingredients, and it's still sitting on the kitchen table!!! Hee! Hee! Hee!
Ah leng, you know when you eat tempura, they will give you some dipping sauce together with some grated white raddish.
BTW, can we have the hae mee meal in June? Let's do it after my vacation.
Wenwenzz, try this recipe and see if it helps. 1 cup plain flour, 2 cups cold water, 1 egg (lightly beaten). Add beaten egg and cold water into flour and mix quickly. However you may not need to use all the 2 cups of water. Check the thickness of the batter you want. Also, make sure you fry all vegetable first then continue with seafood.
Ching, Simcooks and Tricia, thanks for your encouragement. Nowadays my elder boy is into taking the food pix for me. I am just happy to let him play around with my digicam as long as I am around.
Tricia, quick quick go and try to make some sushi before you forget what you learned. Hehehe.
YES YES! hae bee in June.. ON lah! can't wait! *SLURP*
Hi Hugbear, thanks for your tips!
Wow! You made me drool from all the yummy food you have prepared! :) Where did you learnt all these cooking skills from, cookbooks or classes?
Hi professor icook, thanks for your compliments. I learned my cooking/baking either from classes or from books or from friends. Sometimes after trying a particular dish from a restaurant and I really like it, I will try to come up with the dish at home. It is fun to trial and error in the kitchen.
Hi! I was wondering where you can get the fish roe? I love to make my own sushi but never know where to get these more specialized ingredients. (Are the expensive?)
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