These are the assorted spongecakes.
See how puffy and plump the spongecake look when they are just out of the oven.
Almond spongecake
Chocolate chips spongecake
After unmoulding this is how they look.
I am a full-time working mum to 2 boys. I really enjoy baking and cooking and it feels so satisfying when my family enjoys my baking and cooking.
Ahh... I love spongecake! These look delicious! :D
yes it does look very nice. can share the receipe...THANKS!
EK :)
Looks so soft and yummy, are u using back the sponge cake recipe in the blog? I want to try...BTW, do you have any nice coffee walnut cake recipe, ;-)
-Kim Lee
For those of you who are interested, the recipe is the spongecake recipe you can find in my blog.
ur spongecake always turn out so nicely and perfect. There is no single crack on the surface, I am wondering how to achieve such result. For me sometimes I got no luck my spongecake surface cracks sometimes (I use SP method).
Btw, may I know did you grease the mould? Is it difficult to unmould?
C.B.L., this spongecake recipe also uses spongecake stabliliser. I don't know why but most of the time my spongecake doesn't crack during baking. Maybe it is due to the temp of the oven. Certain part of the oven is hotter.
I also don't grease my moulds. Just line the bottom of the mould with baking paper. When the spongecake is cooked, it comes out of the mould easily.
Do you unmould it after taking out from oven or leave it to cool then unmould
Sherreen, I unmould immediately after taking it out of the oven.
Cute! Looks really soft and spongy!
your sponge cake really look PRo like the one sell in bakery!! Thanks for sharing:) going to hut for your recipe:P
Can't seem to find the right recipe. The only sponge cake I found is cotton sponge cake. Can you please direct me to the right one, pleassseeee..... :D
Bertha, here is the link.
Under 'Baking' - Spongecake
Hi Lee Lee,
The link to the spongecake is no longer exist? :P
Just to to "Baking" and look for spongecake.
Hi Hugbear,
i tried your spongecake recipe.. first attempt was alright, bit hard but 2nd attempt was GOOD... my gals and hb love it. The 3rd time i try to make again and added pandan paste... taste ok but bit hard.
anyway thanks for the recipe and love your blog so much... how i wish i can bake like you..hee hee
Hug bear,
Any reason why the sponge cake with pandan paste turned out hard ? Could it be that this recipe is unsuitable to add pandan paste or cld it be due to some other reasons ? Am asking this becoz i was also thinking of adding pandan paste to this recipe :)
Tibits1, if by adding just 1 tsp of pandan paste it should not make the spongecake hard. Add the pandan paste together with the rest of the ingredients to be mixed. I will try to make one with pandan paste and see how it turns out.
hi Hugbear
Just wanna tell you that i tried adding pandan paste to the sponge cake mixture and the it turned out fine however my sponge cake is no where near yours. I baked some with chocolate chips and almond slices too but mine sink in the middle and the cake seems abit dry. I followed the recipe exactly and make sure i beat the mixture to the right consistency... anywhere, will try it again someday :)
Tibits1, if you just sprinkly the chocolate chips and almonds on top before you bake them, it should not sink to the centre. But some of the chocolate chips will sink to the bottom but most of them will still stay on top. Just gently place the almond slices on top and press gently to let it stick to the batter so that after baking, it won't drop off so easily.
Tibits1, I forgot to mention that you can up the milk by another 10 to 15ml if you find the cake too dry.
I think those are just a perfect thank you. I don't have a lot of money, but I can cook.. so I give those as gifts quite often. These are just great-- the chocolate chip would be my favorite and I haven't even tasted them.
Ananta Watches
I like spongecake but have not been successful in making them. I guess my hands are not 'light' enough and I prefer not to use stabiliser if I can help it.
Will give yours a try. :-) They look good.
Thks so much for sharing.
hi, I don't see the recipe for many of your baking posted such as this sponge cake, only see the posted commennts. So, how can I get the recipes. I don't see any link around the page to click to. Whoever posted these comments , can you show me how you get these recipes to try on, thanks
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