Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Penguin Cake II

Another penguin cake to share with you.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Another job well done Leelee..envy envy..THUMBS UP FOR YOU !!


  2. Anonymous7:01 PM


    Beautiful cake! Ash said " It's like the movie Happy Feet!" and he's asking me what flavour is the cake;)
    Oh, Mr Snowman has come a visiting,too, huh.


  3. Anonymous9:31 PM


    Your cake looks too pretty to eat. How did you shape your penguins? What kind of tools did you use? Please explain how you make these penguins because I'd like to make a B'day cake for my brother this month. Thanks very much.


  4. Thanks May and Ma-li. Ash is so cute. This is a plain vanilla sponge with raspberry and strawberry jam.

    PP, I did not use any tools to make my penguins. All use hands only. I don't know how to explain lei. Basically, you need a bigger round black ball of paste for the body, a smaller black ball for the head. A small white ball of white for the body. Press the white colour paste in a thick round piece and stick it to the body of the penguin. Then use yellow colour to make the feet. Make it into teardrop shape and press it flat and stick it to the bottom of the body for form the two feet. Same goes for the two wings. Teardrop shape and stick to the two sides of the body. For the eyes, use white paste make a very small round shape and add a even small black paste to make it. Beak will be yellow paste roll to teardrop shape also. Use scissors to cut the beak or leave it as one whole beak as you like.

  5. Anonymous2:22 AM


    Thanks very much. I got it now. I'll let you know the results. Thanks again.


  6. Anonymous2:31 AM


    I got it now. Thanks again.


  7. Wow hugbear hat's a beautiful penguin cake! Just like the pretty cakes I've seen in Hong Kong cake shops!

    I love the cake for ur mum too, very creative! Keep it up :)

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Hi Lee Lee! This is Eileen, we met at Lorraine's birthday party... The penquins are so cute. I'm impressed! And omg, the handbag cake you made is amazing too. So pretty....

  9. Thanks Sushi girl.

    Hi Eileen, and thanks for dropping by my blog. It was nice to get to know you at Lorraine's party. Hope to be able to meet up with you again.

  10. Hi Lee Lee,

    The penguins are so cute !! Lovely !! I must say that u are very creative.

    eliz :)
